Tel.: 0049 (0)211 / 86 32 86 0 E-Mail:
Begriffe wie Ganzheitliche Beratung, Spezialisierung, Individuelle Betreuung u.a. werden heute oft verwendet. Wir füllen diese Begriffe mit Leben, indem wir unseren Mandanten folgendes anbieten:
In need of a lawyer? At LEGS we have five attorneys who will represent your interests with skill and passion. You value successful outcomes? So do we. We guarantee that we are the right peo-ple you need to talk to. Our long experience and our interdisciplinary approach to problem solving leads to excellent prospects for success.
There are therefore plenty of good reasons why you should talk to LEGS. - the six most important reasons are set out in the following text. We are eager to find out what we can do for you, so call us or call by our offices on Düsseldorf's Königsallee - we are looking forward to meeting you.
YOU LOOK FOR TOP LEVEL COMPETENCY. Our lawyers are qualified to the highest standards. At LEGS we regularly keep abreast with the latest developments in law and practice. With our in-depth legal experience and professional expertise we are always by your side and there to reassure you. Moreover we have all the skills and requisite professional knowledge to devise innovative and workable solutions for you and for all your needs.
AT LEGS YOU WILL BE ATTENDED BY YOUR OWN PERSONAL LAWYER. As our client you and your specific needs inform how we act. You can count on your lawyer to be there for you, ready to act on your behalf promply. He or she will manage your case on a confidential basis, fully reliable and with the deepest appreciation of your needs. At LEGS we are there to serve you and you can be sure we will provide you with bespoke and solutions-orientated advice.
YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT WE CAN OFFER. At LEGS we have five lawyers who, through a combination of their individual expertise and interdisciplinary skills ensure that your affairs are properly being taken care of. We see the big picture and we understand what matters to you. We will take account of your affairs and provide you with the right perspective on any legal issues. At LEGS our lawyers provide expert advice and litigation services in the following areas of law.
WHEN IT COMES TO BILLING YOU CAN RELY ON OUR INTEGRITY. Our relationship is based on a partnership with you, working together on a level playing field, which is how we do things at LEGS. We ensure that you understand the work we do on your behalf and any cost implications there may be. Our consultation agreements and the services we provide are charged in modules according to the nature of the work. Our aim is to act in your interests by providing sound pragmatic advice, which is cost effective.
YOU CAN RELY ON OUR ASSERTIVENESS. At LEGS we are fully committed to providing you with the best possible service. When you approach us we are ready to add value by providing you with effective long lasting solutions. What ever the issue may be, you can be sure that when we represent your interests we will will be fighting for your rights all the way. At LEGS we are proud of our reputation as highly effective lawyers who genuinely care about our clients.
(Last sentence not in Originaltext, is this OK ? Nb. a representation is being made about the firm's reputation.)
WE ARE FULLY TRANSPARENT WITH YOU AT ALL STAGES. We attach great importance to making sure that the advice you receive is clear and fully understandable. You can also rely on the fact that all of our procedures will be fully explained and that we will always consult you on the next steps ahead. No measures are ever taken without your prior approval and without setting out all the options available. In short we provide you with bespoke and seamless legal representation - always according to your instructions.
Neben den von uns ebenfalls betreuten klassischen Gebieten wie z.B. privates und gewerbliches Mietrecht, Vertragsrecht, privates Baurecht usw. haben wir uns auf folgende Gebiete spezialisiert:
Die Rechtsanwältinnen
Andrea Galón und
Patrizia Lubda bieten in unserer Kanzlei auch
Mediation an.
Fachanwalt für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht
Fachanwalt für Miet- und Wohnungseigentumsrecht
Fachanwalt für Strafrecht
Fachanwalt für Familienrecht
Telefon: 0049 (0)211 / 86 32 86 0
Telefax: 0049 (0)211 / 86 32 86 32
Büro Düsseldorf:
Alexanderstr. 21
40210 Düsseldorf
Büro Mettmann:
Teichstraße 20
40822 Mettmann
Alexanderstraße 21
40210 Düsseldorf
Teichstraße 20
40822 Mettmann
Hier finden Sie aktuelle Informationen aus Rechtsprechung und Gesetzgebung.
Telefon: 0049 (0)211 / 86 32 86 0
Telefax: 0049 (0)211 / 86 32 86 32
Büro Düsseldorf
Alexanderstraße 21
40210 Düsseldorf
Büro Mettmann
Teichstraße 20
40822 Mettmann